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Dark Money

Writer's picture: Erin BrewerErin Brewer

After testifying recently at a hearing in Missouri, an angry woman confronted me, demanding, “How much do they pay you for that performance?”

I was stunned.

I have had lots of trans activists get in my face, calling me things like “cunt” and “bitch” and of course “TERF,” but this was the first time anyone ever suggested that I was paid to “perform.”

I looked at her and said quietly, “I don’t get paid. In fact, I have to take time off work to do this. I lose money every time I testify.”

This was clearly not the response she wanted, and she advanced toward me. Fortunately, people moved between us to shield me from her vitriol.

I thought about this while reading a statement submitted by Dr. Rosenthal, medical director of UCLA’s Child and Adolescent Gender Center, in support of an injunction against Alabama’s SAFE ACT (legislation to stop the medical transitioning of children). Rosenthal acknowledged, “I will be compensated with a day rate (6 hours) of $2,100 for deposition and trial testimony.”

Dr. Rosenthal makes in six hours of testimony about what I make working 40 hours a week for three weeks.

Trans activists consistently paint those who disagree with them as a well-funded, well-organized machine. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In a recent webinar pushing the transgender ideology, hosted by Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), Alison Macklin, the SIECUS Director of Advocacy and Policy said, “We know that there's lots of organizations, coalitions, large donors with lots of money going into this Christian nationalist movement.”

Kristin Penner, a research fellow for The African American Policy Forum, said that those of us fighting the transgender ideology are a network of organizations being funded with millions of dollars “designed to manufacture social change.”

Chris Harley of SIECUS wondered if we were being funded with “dark money” from a “right wing conspiracy.”

Maria Keffler, Mae Lyle, and I often wonder if our check has been lost in the mail.

Though we do have about a $5,000 budget, the vast majority of our funds come from book sales of Desist, Detrans & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult, Always Erin, and Transing Our Children. 100% of the profit from these books goes to fund Advocates Protecting Children, and is spent on initiatives like sending resource packets to legislators, policy makers, and church leaders.

Dismissing our efforts as having been funded by some evil machine is just one more example of "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender" (DARVO). DARVO is a well-documented strategy of manipulation and psychological abuse.

Trans activists dismiss us as hateful racists motivated by greed, while at the same time crying about being marginalized victims. Yet they have the mainstream media, the marketplace, and certainly the Democratic party soundly in their pockets. Unlike the small grassroots groups like Advocates Protecting Children, they seem to have limitless funds to initiate endless lawsuits to undermine the rights and protections of women and children.

I’m here to set the record straight.

I make no money off my efforts to protect children from this insidious and predatory ideology. No deep-pocketed donors are funding Advocates Protecting Children: the largest single donation we’ve received to date is $100, and most of our donors can only afford to support us via one-time donations of $10-$25.

We continue in this fight for four reasons: we care about children, we care about women, we care about society, and we care about truth.

It’s obvious that not one of those four concerns is shared by our detractors.


Exposing Hate: The Truth About Attacks on Our Kids, Schools, and Diversity:



Dr. Erin Brewer is a co-founder of Advocates Protecting Children. Contact Dr. Brewer via our website or email.


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Advocates Protecting Children

P.O. Box 41981

Arlington, VA 22204

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