On October 8, 2022, parent groups and others will join together to have a peaceful rally in Anaheim at the American Academy of Pediatrics' annual convention. They are hoping to educate some of the 10,000 AAP members on the harms for gender affirming care. The AAP leadership refuses to perform a review of the science. It is vital for the AAP to hear from the parents and other advocates that we want a review.
If you not aware the AAP is asking the Justice Department to silence the press on its reporting on the surgeries to minors, as was exposed in Boston, Vanderbilt and alike. They want them prosecuted for "misinformation" which is ironic since it is their misinformation campaigns that is harming children.
PLEASE cc: Charliejacobs@protonmail.com
We need to have thousands of these letters sent in and an accounting of the number of letters sent. The email addresses will be anonymous. In other words, we will report on the number of letters/emails sent. We need to let the press know our numbers.
Email to: mszilagyi@mednet.ucla.edu, schung@fairfaxpeds.com and
[Your name and address, if including]
October 5, 2022
Dr. Moira Szilagyi, M.D., Ph.D, FAAO
President, American Academy of Pediatrics
10833 Le Conte Ave., Suite 22-395
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Dr. Sandy L. Chung, M.D., FAAP
President-Elect, American Academy of Pediatrics
13135 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy., Suite 201
Fairfax, VA 22033
Via US Mail and email
Dear Dr. Moira Szilagyi and Dr. Sandy Chung,
[Insert your brief story (example: I am a parent of a female child who for two years believed that she was a boy. All of the medical providers, inclusive of our pediatrician, affirmed her gender identity. She came by her belief after a sex education program that said that she could be born in the wrong body, and joining online groups pushing the gender narrative. We ignored all of the doctors and therapists and worked on resolving her depression. We also took her phone. Slowly, she returned to herself and now is well-adjusted young woman with all of her body parts intact and no synthetic hormones in her body. Had we followed the advice of any of our medical providers, we would have an irreversibly harmed young girl, who would truly have a valid reason to be distressed about her body.)]
If the American Academy of Pediatrics’ true mission is to “champion optimal physical, mental
and social health and well-being of all infants, children, adolescents and young adults,” I am
confounded by its singular treatment for gender confused children and youth, namely social
transition (adopting the child’s delusional belief that he or she is the opposite sex) and medical
transition (irreversible puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries) in lieu of treating the child’s underlying self-loathing or confusion, or first addressing any mental health comorbidities or developmental issues. I am perplexed by its utter rejection of the independent systematic evidence reviews conducted by public health agencies in Finland, Sweden, and the UK. The AAP has an opportunity to return to evidence-based medicine, instead of following the unintelligible and unsupported WPATH guidelines. The misnamed “Standards of Care” are filled with statements such as, “…a systematic review regarding outcomes of treatments in adolescents is not possible,” “…the number of studies is low,” “…there are few outcome studies that follow youth into adulthood,” and “At present, no clinical cohort studies have reported on profiles of adolescents who regret their initial decision or detransition after irreversible affirming treatment.” How can the AAP blindly align with WPATH, an advocacy group whose advice even the 9 th circuit rejects as standards? Those who developed WPATH’s recommendations include non-medical professionals and not a single independent doctor. Most notably, contributors to the adolescent section includes Susie Green, the CEO of Mermaids, now under investigation for sending breast binders to children against parents’ wishes and dispensing medical advice without a license. Why is a purported prestigious society like the AAP following WPATH, an entity that utilizes the Delphi method — the “lowest level of evidence for making causal inferences and are thus subordinate to meta-analysis, intervention studies and correlation studies.” — to obtain consensus and that has adopted the concept of “eunuch” — a gender identity centered around surgical removal of male genitals — as suitable for minors. This is the antithesis of the AAP’s mission. The “Dutch model” is based on a mere 55 children, ignored the death of the one child from surgical complications, and has never been repeated. This unconfirmed model is the foundation for all childhood, adolescent, and young adult gender interventions ascribed to by WPATH and now the AAP.
Five pediatricians submitted Resolution #27 to implore the AAP to conduct a comprehensive,
systematic review of the available evidence to update the AAP’s 2018 position on care. AAP
leadership barred its members from commenting on Resolution #27, based upon an unconvincing excuse that a new rule required a sponsor for the Resolution before it would be circulated to the membership. Although I am not surprised no sponsor was obtained given the swift vitriol one receives when questioning gender treatments, I was nonetheless disappointed. It is a pediatrician’s edict to protect children and provide only evidence-based, beneficial treatments.
Despite the AAP’s own members’ displeasure in the suppressing of discourse, the AAP
continues to ignore the breadth of scientific literature that outlines the lack of supportive data for these treatments.
I entreat the AAP to conduct an independent systematic review of the science. If the AAP
continues to promote harms on children and young adults, it will bear the indelible mark of a
society that could have prevented a cataclysmic medical scandal that victimized children and
youth. The AAP can change course, rather than leading the sterilization of a generation, as well as contributing to what lies ahead — a marked increase in suicides as these children mature and suffer horrific regret.
I agree wholeheartedly with the AAP’s request that Attorney Merrick Garland investigate the
campaign of “toxic misinformation” about the actual science and harms to children with the
affirmative care. I relish an independent review of whether hospitals and clinics have been
obtaining the proper informed consent of children before they irreversibly harm them. Any
investigation into violation of medical protocols will be extremely helpful for the prosecution in medical malpractice cases.
And information such as, "Mother, Attorney and registered Democrat from CA
Note: Please include party affiliation