Ohio State Board of Education Vice President Martha Manchester should not be in a position of authority over our schools, she claims there are many different definitions of biological sex, though she doesn't know why. Apparently she has never heard of large and small gametes.
This short video says it all.

She says, "I looked up what is biological sex? What is the definition of that? There are so many definitions out there. I, I was amazed at all the definitions that there are for biological sex and how, how can we sit here and say, no, there's just one. Um, and that it's scientific fact. I guess that would be the issue I take with that, right in the beginning is that it's not scientific fact. If you look at the science, there are many different things and, and why? I don't know."
This is either someone who has capitulated to transgender ideology or does not have enough grounding in science, and specifically biology, to be in a position of authority over Ohio's public education.
See the recording of the meeting here 2:39:52 - 2:40:56: https://www.ohiochannel.org/collectio... Everyone, help education Martha! You can contact her at: 29249 State Route 385 Lakeview, OH 43331 Phone: (419) 303-2672 Email: Martha.Manchester@education.ohio.gov Consider sending her to Standing For Women, where she will learn that a woman is an adult human female: https://www.standingforwomen.com Send her one of Advocates Protecting Children memes: https://www.advocatesprotectingchildr...https://www.advocatesprotectingchildr...https://www.advocatesprotectingchildr...https://www.advocatesprotectingchildr... Or the link to Matt Walsh's video "What is a Woman," https://youtu.be/42ivIRd9N8E
My email to the Ohio SBOE VP, I encourage you all to contact her!
